SNP filtering ddRAD data set post trimming, assembly and mapping

Step1: 50% of individuals, a minimum quality score of 30, and a minor allele count of 3

vcftools –vcf TotalRawSNPs.vcf –max-missing 0.5 –mac 3 –minQ 30 –recode –recode-INFO-all –out raw.g5mac3

Step2: Minimum mean depth Testing at 2 values

minDP 5

vcftools --vcf raw.g5mac3.recode.vcf --minDP 5 --recode --recode-INFO-all --out raw.g5mac3dp5

After filtering, kept 62 out of 62 Individuals
Outputting VCF file...
After filtering, kept 218805 out of a possible 218805 Sites

Step3: Filter missing indiv post minDP =5

./ raw.g5mac3dp5.recode.vcf raw.g5mac3dplm

                                          Histogram of % missing data per individual

       12 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
          |    **     +           +          +           +           +           +          +           +           |
          |    **                                             'totalmissing' using (bin($1,binwidth)):(1.0) ******* |
          |    **                                                                                                   |
       10 |-+  ****                                                                                               +-|
          |    ****                                                                                                 |
          |    *****                                                                                                |
          |    *****                                                                                                |
        8 |-+  *****                                                                                              +-|
          |    *****                                                                                                |
          |    *******                                                                                              |
        6 |-+  ***** *                                                                                            +-|
          |    ***** *                                                                                              |
          |    ***** *                                                                                              |
          |    ***** *                                                                                              |
        4 |-+  ***** **                                                                                           +-|
          |    ***** **                                                                                             |
          |    ***** **                                                                                             |
          |    ***** **                                                                                             |
        2 |-+ ****** **        *********                                                                          +-|
          |   ****** **        *       *                                                                            |
          | ******** ***********       **************************************************************************** |
          | * ****** *** *     *  +    *     +        *  +           +*          +          +  *        +         * |
        0 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
         0.1         0.2         0.3        0.4         0.5         0.6         0.7        0.8         0.9          1
                                                       % of missing data

The 85% cutoff would be 0.205315
Would you like to set a different cutoff, yes or no

After filtering, kept 58 out of 62 Individuals
Outputting VCF file...
After filtering, kept 218805 out of a possible 218805 Sites

Choosing 65% cutof

mawk '$5 > 0.35' raw.g5mac3dplm.imiss | cut -f1 | less

Step4: Restrict the data to variants called in a high percentage of individuals and filter by mean depth of genotypes

This applied a genotype call rate (95%) across all individuals. Setting maf = 0.001

vcftools --vcf raw.g5mac3dplm.recode.vcf --max-missing 0.95 --maf 0.001 --recode --recode-INFO-all --out DP3g95maf001 --min-meanDP 20

After filtering, kept 58 out of 58 Individuals
Outputting VCF file...
After filtering, kept 94587 out of a possible 218805 Sites

Step5: Filtering by population specific call rate when multiple localities are present

cut -f1 raw.g5mac3dplm.imiss|awk  -F "_" 'NR>1{print $1"_"$2"_"$3,$1}' > popmap
cat popmap
mawk '$2 == "EOB"' popmap > 1.keep && mawk '$2 == "PBF"' popmap > 2.keep && mawk '$2 == "WOB"' popmap > 3.keep && mawk '$2 == "WOF"' popmap > 4.keep
vcftools --vcf DP3g95maf001.recode.vcf --keep 1.keep --missing-site --out 1
vcftools --vcf DP3g95maf001.recode.vcf --keep 2.keep --missing-site --out 2
vcftools --vcf DP3g95maf001.recode.vcf --keep 3.keep --missing-site --out 3
vcftools --vcf DP3g95maf001.recode.vcf --keep 4.keep --missing-site --out 4
cat 1.lmiss 2.lmiss 3.lmiss 4.lmiss | mawk '!/CHR/' | mawk '$6 > 0.1' | cut -f1,2 >> badloci
vcftools --vcf DP3g95maf001.recode.vcf --exclude-positions badloci --recode --recode-INFO-all --out DP3g95p5maf001

After filtering, kept 58 out of 58 Individuals
Outputting VCF file...
After filtering, kept 91703 out of a possible 94587 Sites

Step6: Used dDocent_filters script

./dDocent_filters DP3g95p5maf001.recode.vcf dDocent_filters_out

Number of sites filtered based on allele balance at heterozygous loci, locus quality, and mapping quality / Depth
 12289 of 91703

Are reads expected to overlap?  In other words, is fragment size less than 2X the read length?  Enter yes or no.

Number of additional sites filtered based on overlapping forward and reverse reads
 10242 of 79414

Is this from a mixture of SE and PE libraries? Enter yes or no.

Number of additional sites filtered based on properly paired status
 1445 of 69172

Number of sites filtered based on high depth and lower than 2*DEPTH quality score
 5730 of 67727

                                               Histogram of mean depth per site

     1000 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
          |     +    +    +    +     +    +    +**  *     +    +    +     +    +    +    +     +    +    +    +     |
      900 |-+                                   *** * *** *meandepthpersite' using (bin($1,binwidth)):(1.0) *******-|
          |                                  ************ *                                                         |
          |                                  **************                                                         |
      800 |-+                                **************                                                       +-|
          |                                  **************                                                         |
      700 |-+                            ** ****************                                                      +-|
          |                              *******************                                                        |
      600 |-+                          ********************* *                                                    +-|
          |                            ***********************                                                      |
      500 |-+                        ***************************                                                  +-|
          |                          *************************** ***                                                |
          |                          ********************************                                               |
      400 |-+                      *********************************** **                                         +-|
          |                     ** ***************************************  *                                       |
      300 |-+                   ********************************************** *                                  +-|
          |                  *************************************************** *                                  |
      200 |-+                **********************************************************                           +-|
          |                *************************************************************  *                         |
          |              **********************************************************************     **              |
      100 |-+            **********************************************************************************       +*|
          |     +  *************************************************************************************************|
        0 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
          11    22   33   44   55    66   77   88   99   110  121  132   143  154  165  176   187  198  209  220   231
                                                          Mean Depth

If distrubtion looks normal, a 1.645 sigma cutoff (~90% of the data) would be 13238.745
The 95% cutoff would be 211
Would you like to use a different maximum mean depth cutoff than 211, yes or no
Number of sites filtered based on maximum mean depth
 4055 of 67727

Number of sites filtered based on within locus depth mismatch
 14 of 63672

Total number of sites filtered
 28045 of 91703

Remaining sites

Filtered VCF file is called Output_prefix.FIL.recode.vcf

Filter stats stored in dDocent_filters_out.filterstats

Step7: Convert our variant calls to SNPs

vcfallelicprimitives dDocent_filters_out.FIL.recode.vcf --keep-info --keep-geno > DP3g95p5maf001.prim.vcf
vcftools --vcf DP3g95p5maf001.prim.vcf --remove-indels --recode --recode-INFO-all --out SNP.DP3g95p5maf001

After filtering, kept 58 out of 58 Individuals
Outputting VCF file...
After filtering, kept 68799 out of a possible 72111 Sites

Step8: HWE filter

Setting -h 0.001

./ -v SNP.DP3g95p5maf001.recode.vcf -p popmap -o SNP.DP3g95p5maf001.HWE -h 0.001
Processing population: EOB (18 inds)
Processing population: PBF (15 inds)
Processing population: WOB (15 inds)
Processing population: WOF (14 inds)
Outputting results of HWE test for filtered loci to 'filtered.hwe'
Kept 66843 of a possible 68799 loci (filtered 1956 loci)

rad_haplotyper -v SNP.DP3g95p5maf001.HWE.recode.vcf -x 20 -mp 1 -u 20 -ml 4 -n -r reference.fasta

emoved 258 loci (6358 SNPs) with more than 20 SNPs at a locus
Building haplotypes for EOB_174_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_175_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_176_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_177_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_178_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_182_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_183_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_184_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_185_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_186_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_188_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_189_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_190_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_191_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_192_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_492_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_493_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_494_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_157_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_158_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_160_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_161_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_164_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_165_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_167_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_168_ddr                                                                                                                                                         
Building haplotypes for PBF_169_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_171_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_172_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_489_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_490_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_491_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_35_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_41_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_42_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_45_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_47_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_48_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_49_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_50_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_59_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_60_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_62_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_65_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_217_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_224_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_225_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_232_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_234_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_236_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_237_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_238_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_239_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_240_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_241_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_243_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_244_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_245_ddr
Filtered 20 loci below missing data cutoff
Filtered 904 possible paralogs
Filtered 425 loci with low coverage or genotyping errors
Filtered 0 loci with an excess of haplotypes

The script found another 1349 loci to remove.

head stats.out
rad_haplotyper -v SNP.DP3g95p5maf001.HWE.recode.vcf -x 20 -mp 1 -u 20 -ml 4 -n -r reference.fasta
Locus   Sites   Haplotypes      Inds_Haplotyped Total_Inds      Prop_Haplotyped Status  Poss_Paralog    Low_Cov/Geno_Err        Miss_Geno       Comment
dDocent_Contig_1        7       4       52      58      0.897   FILTERED        6       0       0       Possible paralog
dDocent_Contig_100      2       3       58      58      1.000   PASSED  0       0       0
dDocent_Contig_10003    5       9       57      58      0.983   PASSED  0       0       1
dDocent_Contig_10004    13      12      58      58      1.000   PASSED  0       0       0
dDocent_Contig_10008    8       10      58      58      1.000   PASSED  0       0       0
dDocent_Contig_10010    15      11      57      58      0.983   PASSED  0       0       1
dDocent_Contig_10011    4       3       58      58      1.000   PASSED  0       0       0
dDocent_Contig_10012    10      8       58      58      1.000   PASSED  0       0       0

We can use this file to create a list of loci to filter

grep FILTERED stats.out | mawk '!/Complex/' | cut -f1 >

Remove bad loci identified by rad_haplotyper

Now that we have the list we can parse through the VCF file and remove the bad RAD loci. Use script from dDocent to do this:

./ SNP.DP3g95p5maf001.HWE.recode.vcf
mawk '!/#/' SNP.DP3g95p5maf001.HWE.filtered.vcf | wc -l

Result with minDP = 5, maf = 0.001 and h = 0.001 : 68799 loci kept with 58 indiv

After the last step we have 46612 SNPs.

Repeating all the above steps with minDP10

Step2: Minimum mean depth Testing at 2 values

Minimum mean depth = 10

vcftools --vcf raw.g5mac3.recode.vcf --minDP 10 --recode --recode-INFO-all --out raw.g5mac3dp10

After filtering, kept 62 out of 62 Individuals
Outputting VCF file...
After filtering, kept 218805 out of a possible 218805 Sites

Step3: Filter missing indiv post minDP = 10

./ raw.g5mac3dp10.recode.vcf raw.g5mac3dplm

After filtering, kept 62 out of 62 Individuals
Outputting Individual Missingness
After filtering, kept 218805 out of a possible 218805 Sites

                                          Histogram of % missing data per individual

       12 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
          |     ****  +           +          +           +           +           +          +           +           |
          |     ****                                          'totalmissing' using (bin($1,binwidth)):(1.0) ******* |
          |     ****                                                                                                |
       10 |-+   ****                                                                                              +-|
          |     ****                                                                                                |
          |     ******                                                                                              |
          |     **** *                                                                                              |
        8 |-+   **** *                                                                                            +-|
          |     **** *                                                                                              |
          |     **** ****                                                                                           |
        6 |-+   **** ** *                                                                                         +-|
          |     **** ** *                                                                                           |
          |     **** ** *                                                                                           |
          |     **** ** *                                                                                           |
        4 |-+   **** ** *                                                                                         +-|
          |     **** ** *                                                                                           |
          |     **** ** ****                                                                                        |
          |     **** ** *  *                                                                                        |
        2 |-+  ***** ** *  *                                                                                      +-|
          |    ***** ** *  *                                                                                        |
          |   ****** ** *  *****************************************************************************************|
          |   ****** ** *  * * *  +*         +     *     +       *   *           + *        +       *   +     *    *|
        0 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
         0.1         0.2         0.3        0.4         0.5         0.6         0.7        0.8         0.9          1
                                                       % of missing data

The 85% cutoff would be 0.268705
Would you like to set a different cutoff, yes or no
After filtering, kept 54 out of 62 Individuals
Outputting VCF file...
After filtering, kept 218805 out of a possible 218805 Sites

Choosing 85% cutoff

mawk '$5 > 0.268705' raw.g5mac3dplm.imiss | cut -f1 | less

Step4: Restrict the data to variants called in a high percentage of individuals and filter by mean depth of genotypes

This applied a genotype call rate (95%) across all individuals. Setting maf = 0.001

vcftools --vcf raw.g5mac3dplm.recode.vcf --max-missing 0.95 --maf 0.001 --recode --recode-INFO-all --out DP3g95maf001 --min-meanDP 20
After filtering, kept 54 out of 54 Individuals
Outputting VCF file...
After filtering, kept 93250 out of a possible 218805 Sites

Step5: Filtering by population specific call rate when multiple localities are present

cut -f1 raw.g5mac3dplm.imiss|awk  -F "_" 'NR>1{print $1"_"$2"_"$3,$1}' > popmap
cat popmap
mawk '$2 == "EOB"' popmap > 1.keep && mawk '$2 == "PBF"' popmap > 2.keep && mawk '$2 == "WOB"' popmap > 3.keep && mawk '$2 == "WOF"' popmap > 4.keep
vcftools --vcf DP3g95maf001.recode.vcf --keep 1.keep --missing-site --out 1
vcftools --vcf DP3g95maf001.recode.vcf --keep 2.keep --missing-site --out 2
vcftools --vcf DP3g95maf001.recode.vcf --keep 3.keep --missing-site --out 3
vcftools --vcf DP3g95maf001.recode.vcf --keep 4.keep --missing-site --out 4
cat 1.lmiss 2.lmiss 3.lmiss 4.lmiss | mawk '!/CHR/' | mawk '$6 > 0.1' | cut -f1,2 >> badloci
vcftools --vcf DP3g95maf001.recode.vcf --exclude-positions badloci --recode --recode-INFO-all --out DP3g95p5maf001

After filtering, kept 54 out of 54 Individuals
Outputting VCF file...
After filtering, kept 90731 out of a possible 93250 Sites

Step6: Used dDocent_filters script

./dDocent_filters DP3g95p5maf001.recode.vcf dDocent_filters_out

Number of sites filtered based on allele balance at heterozygous loci, locus quality, and mapping quality / Depth
 12037 of 90731

Are reads expected to overlap?  In other words, is fragment size less than 2X the read length?  Enter yes or no.
Number of additional sites filtered based on overlapping forward and reverse reads
 10193 of 78694

Is this from a mixture of SE and PE libraries? Enter yes or no.
Number of additional sites filtered based on properly paired status
 1472 of 68501
Number of sites filtered based on high depth and lower than 2*DEPTH quality score
 5719 of 67029

                                               Histogram of mean depth per site

     1200 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
          |+    +     +    +    +     +    +    +     +    +    +     +    +    +     +    +    +     +    +    +   |
          |                                               'meandepthpersite' using (bin($1,binwidth)):(1.0) ******* |
          |                                                                                                         |
     1000 |-+                                   *                                                                 +-|
          |                                     ***  ***                                                            |
          |                                    **** ****                                                            |
          |                                  ***********                                                            |
      800 |-+                            **  **************                                                       +-|
          |                              ** ***************                                                         |
          |                              ** ***************                                                         |
      600 |-+                            ** ****************                                                      +-|
          |                            ***********************                                                      |
          |                            ***********************                                                      |
          |                          *****************************                                                  |
      400 |-+                       *********************************  **                                         +-|
          |                       ***************************************                                           |
          |                       ***************************************  **                                       |
          |                       ************************************************                                  |
      200 |-+                  ******************************************************                             +-|
          |                  ************************************************************    *                      |
          |                * ***************************************************************** *   *** *            |
          |+    +     +  *******************************************************************************************|
        0 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
           12   24    36   48   60    72   84   96   108  120  132   144  156  168   180  192  204   216  228  240
                                                          Mean Depth
If distrubtion looks normal, a 1.645 sigma cutoff (~90% of the data) would be 13160.9314
The 95% cutoff would be 226
Would you like to use a different maximum mean depth cutoff than 226, yes or no
Number of sites filtered based on maximum mean depth
 4013 of 67029
Number of sites filtered based on within locus depth mismatch
 14 of 63016

Total number of sites filtered
 27729 of 90731

Remaining sites

Filtered VCF file is called Output_prefix.FIL.recode.vcf

Step7: Convert our variant calls to SNPs

vcfallelicprimitives dDocent_filters_out.FIL.recode.vcf --keep-info --keep-geno > DP3g95p5maf001.prim.vcf
vcftools --vcf DP3g95p5maf001.prim.vcf --remove-indels --recode --recode-INFO-all --out SNP.DP3g95p5maf001

After filtering, kept 54 out of 54 Individuals
Outputting VCF file...
After filtering, kept 68115 out of a possible 71423 Sites

Step8: HWE filter

Setting -h 0.001

./ -v SNP.DP3g95p5maf001.recode.vcf -p popmap -o SNP.DP3g95p5maf001.HWE -h 0.001
Processing population: EOB (18 inds)
Processing population: PBF (15 inds)
Processing population: WOB (15 inds)
Processing population: WOF (14 inds)
Outputting results of HWE test for filtered loci to 'filtered.hwe'
Kept 66406 of a possible 68115 loci (filtered 1709 loci)

rad_haplotyper -v SNP.DP3g95p5maf001.HWE.recode.vcf  -x 20 -mp 1 -u 20 -ml 4 -n -r reference.fasta
Removed 257 loci (6327 SNPs) with more than 20 SNPs at a locus
Building haplotypes for EOB_174_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_175_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_176_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_177_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_182_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_183_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_185_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_186_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_188_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_189_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_190_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_191_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_192_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_493_ddr
Building haplotypes for EOB_494_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_157_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_158_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_160_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_161_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_164_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_165_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_167_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_168_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_169_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_171_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_172_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_489_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_490_ddr
Building haplotypes for PBF_491_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_35_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_41_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_42_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_47_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_48_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_49_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_50_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_59_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_60_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_62_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOB_65_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_217_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_224_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_225_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_232_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_234_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_236_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_237_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_238_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_239_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_240_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_241_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_243_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_244_ddr
Building haplotypes for WOF_245_ddr
Filtered 13 loci below missing data cutoff
Filtered 911 possible paralogs
Filtered 396 loci with low coverage or genotyping errors
Filtered 0 loci with an excess of haplotypes

The script found another 1320 loci to remove.

head stats.out
rad_haplotyper -v SNP.DP3g95p5maf001.HWE.recode.vcf -x 20 -mp 1 -u 20 -ml 4 -n -r reference.fasta
Locus   Sites   Haplotypes      Inds_Haplotyped Total_Inds      Prop_Haplotyped Status  Poss_Paralog    Low_Cov/Geno_Err        Miss_Geno       Comment
dDocent_Contig_1        7       4       48      54      0.889   FILTERED        6       0       0       Possible paralog
dDocent_Contig_100      2       3       54      54      1.000   PASSED  0       0       0
dDocent_Contig_10003    5       9       54      54      1.000   PASSED  0       0       0
dDocent_Contig_10004    13      11      54      54      1.000   PASSED  0       0       0
dDocent_Contig_10006    2       3       52      54      0.963   PASSED  0       0       2
dDocent_Contig_10008    8       10      54      54      1.000   PASSED  0       0       0
dDocent_Contig_10010    3       4       52      54      0.963   PASSED  0       0       2
dDocent_Contig_10011    4       3       54      54      1.000   PASSED  0       0       0

We can use this file to create a list of loci to filter

grep FILTERED stats.out | mawk '!/Complex/' | cut -f1 >

Remove bad loci identified by rad_haplotyper

mawk '!/#/' SNP.DP3g95p5maf001.HWE.filtered.vcf | wc -l
  1. With minDP = 5, maf = 0.001 and h = 0.001 : 68799 loci kept with 58 indiv
    • After the rad_haplotyper step we have 46612 SNPs.
  2. With minDP = 10, maf = 0.001 and h = 0.001 : 66406 loci kept with 54 indiv
    • After the rad_haplotyper step we have 46610 SNPs

Result: With minDP 5 we keep more individuals and get about the same number of SNPs as minDP10.

Since there is only a difference of 2 sites between the two values of minDP and we lose less individuals at minDp5 we chose to use minDP5 for SNP filtering. Having more individuals increases the staistical power of the analyses.

Written on May 13, 2020