Complete ddARD analysis of clusters identified from full ddRAD data set
Cluster 1:
Comparison of results for epiRAD data per cluster, post removal of problematic loci from technical reps.
Cluster composition post all filters:
Comparison of results for filtered epiRAD data without outliers identified by DAPC
Comparison of results for the following data after adding an additional filter (Filter2b) for removing outlier samples identified by DAPC and rerunning the full epiRAD pipeline.
Number of individuals left after this additional filter is 33.
ddRAD data analysis for filtered SNPs in sample subgroups
Comparison of ddARD data analysis results for sample subgroups
ddRAD data analysis for filtered SNPs
Pop Gen Analysis
dDocent was used for QC, assembly, mapping and SNP calls on raw ddRAD data. dDocent SNP filtering pipeline plus rad haplotyper was used for filtering SNPs. Input file: SNP.DP3g95p5maf001.HWE.filtered.vcf.gz
Comparison of results for filtered epiRAD data without outliers
Comparison of results for the following data after removing outlier samples
- Filter4: Data obtained post BLAST filter, low read filter and low coverage filter
- Filter 5a: Data obtained post filter4 AND removing problematic loci identified by rad_haplotyper
- Filter 5b: Data obtained post filter4 AND keeping only those loci that remain after full SNP filtering pipeline
Comparison of results for epiRAD data filtered in three steps
Comparison of results for
- Filter4: Data obtained post BLAST filter, low read filter and low coverage filter
- Filter 5a: Data obtained post filter4 AND removing problematic loci identified by rad_haplotyper
- Filter 5b: Data obtained post filter4 AND keeping only those loci that remain after full SNP filtering pipeline
SNP filtering ddRAD data set post trimming, assembly and mapping
Step1: 50% of individuals, a minimum quality score of 30, and a minor allele count of 3
SNP filtering full data set
Step2: Minimum mean depth Testing at 2 values
With the full dataset testing 2 values of minDP
SNP filtering full data set
SNP filtering
This filtering was performed on full data set per the [ SNP filtering tutorial ] ( in dDocent. The filtration is housed in /home/tejashree/Moorea/ddocent/final/snp_filtering/.
Correlation of ddRAD and epiRAD data
Methylation data
Running dDocent with a all samples
Reference fasta
Running dDocent with a subsample2
Running a test assembly on a subset of data
SNP filtering subset data
SNP filtering
Running dDocent with a subsample
Running a test assembly on a subset of data
Pipeline for clean up of data
Getting the data
- Data was copied from Hollie’s disk to KITT /RAID_STORAGE2/Shared_Data/20190819_RAD_EPIRAD/30-233732769/
- I copied it from here to my dir tejashree/Moorea/raw_data/
Barcode files
- Barcode files were made from the csv file on google drive Moorea_2018_Sampling Adapter/Index Map
Mo'orea Project Background
Mo’orea Project Background
This project is a part of LTER Network.
Mo’orea is a part of French Polynesia. The coral reef in the northern region of the island was adversely affected by two natural events. However, over time the reef came back to a healthy state.
In order to understand re-colonization of these regions this project has multiple layers.
- Studying re colonization patterns in this region has long term and broad applications associated with climate change.
- Study sites vary in type of water dynamics, depth and temperature conditions. As such understanding the colonization patterns in light of these environmental variables has applications associated with rising water temperatures and climate change.
- Use ddRAD to understand population dynamics across sampling sites
- Use epiRAD along with ddRAD to understand epigenetic patterns with respect to habitat variables
Study site
8 sites sampled with up to 15 samples of Porites (lobata/lutea) and Pocillopora (meandrina/verrucosa) per site.
ddRAD and epiRAD with a methylation sensitive restriction enzyme used in epiRAD (Schield et al. 2016).